
Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunities

WDS offers many opportunities to sponsor programs and items at our school.

Sponsoring a Day of Learning is a wonderful way to honor the memory of a loved one (a yahrzeit); celebrate a family milestone; add merit for a refuah shelema; or acknowledge any other special occasion.  An email announcing the Day of Learning will be shared with the entire WDS Family to help commemorate the occasion, and the sponsorship is acknowledged in Middle School davening.  Sponsorship for Day of Learning is $180.

Westchester Day School is privileged to call your grandchildren our students. We share an enduring love and dedication to them- to their educational growth, and to their development into individuals with strong values and a commitment to Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael, and the world around them. Help us continue to overflow every day of your life with nachas. Join the Westchester Day School Grandparents Circle, or as we call it, the Nachas Circle. 

Laurie Lebowitz Learning to Look Fund
The Laurie Lebowitz Learning to Look Fund is created in loving memory of Laurie Lebowitz, z"l,  a devoted parent volunteer who served as Chairperson from 2006 -2014. Laurie believed in the power of incorporating art education into the classroom. Laurie's passion and commitment to the Learning to Look program brought enrichment to students and parents alike at Westchester Day School. We hope you will consider making a gift in memory of Laurie and the Learning to Look program.

Make Westchester Day School part of your family’s life cycle events by dedicating a leaf or a branch on our Tree of Life. Commemorate a birth, bar/bat mitzvah, graduation, and marriage, anniversary, passing of a relative, or other meaningful milestones by engraving your name, the event and date on a leaf to be added to our Tree of Life housed inside the castle shul.

Names, Not Numbers
This program is a Holocaust education program developed by Tova Fish-Rosenberg and facilitated at WDS by Mrs. Jill Rivel. Every year, rather than solely learning about the Holocaust in a traditional classroom setting, the Names, Not Numbers curriculum allows 8th graders to engage in a unique multidisciplinary learning experience that combines research, video production, and one-on-one interviews to preserve history in an original documentary film. Throughout the project, students work with professional journalists, Holocaust scholars, and filmmakers, and they have the unique (and fleeting) opportunity to learn about the Holocaust directly from those who experienced it, thus strengthening the personal and emotional connection m’dor l’dor, and preserving the survivors’ stories for future generations.

Middle School Minyan Breakfast

Celebrate a milestone, such as Hanachat Tefillin or a Bar/Bat Mitzvah with the Middle School minyan! Sponsor a light breakfast post davening, which includes juice, muffins, fruit salad, and cookies.  The cost of the minyan breakfast is $136. Please submit form with at least 72 hours notice.


Ruach Lifnei Shabbat, or ReLiSH, is a weekly Oneg Shabbat introduced to Middle School this year. It is held during lunch with cholent, kugel, singing, and Torah. While it is an optional program, we are excited to see so many of the students joining! Your sponsorship is truly impactful, helping to offset the cost of food and bring an extra layer of Heimish ruach - setting the right vibe for our students going into Shabbat. Suggested sponsorship is $100 in honor of your student's grade, or $300 for the entire Middle School.

Dinner, Learning, Kumzitz - is there anything better to nourish our souls? THIS is Middle School Mishmar. We meet every other week, and we extend our hospitality to parents, grandparents, alumni siblings, and special guests to join us once a month for Family Mishmar.  Your sponsorship is truly impactful, helping to offset the cost of food and bring an extra layer of Heimish ruach to our week. Suggested sponsorship is $360 for weekly Mishmar, $500 for Family Mishmar.

Faculty Breakfast
Sponsoring a Rosh Chodesh breakfast for the WDS faculty is a wonderful way to show hakarat hatov, and is greatly appreciated by all of our nurturing and dedicated educators. 

Shelley Lippman, a dedicated WDS science teacher for over 40 years was a passionate, enthusiastic individual who made a lasting impression on the entire extended WDS community. Mrs. Lippman instilled a spark for curiosity and a love for science and innovation in all of her students for many generations. Her legacy at WDS lives on through the science program. Your gift to the Shelley Lippman Science and Innovation Fund benefits the science lab, ongoing technology updates, and most importantly the STEM Curriculum (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).
For decades, our school has been committed to ensuring that no student be denied a Westchester Day School education for lack of resources by providing tuition assistance to all families in need. With a one-for-one match provided by a generous community leader, your impact doubles when you donate to the annual Shavuot Scholarship Campaign. Your impact on a child is immeasurable. 

The Alexander Benjamin Eiseman Library Fund
The Alexander Benjamin Eiseman Library Fund was established 25 years ago in memory of Robin and Jonathan Eiseman’s son, Alexander Benjamin, or Chanoch. In Hebrew, Chanoch means “to educate,” an ideal that the Eiseman’s believe is vital to the continuity of the Jewish community. Over the years, this fund has been used to acquire a first class collection of over 6,000 secular books, computers, software, and furniture for the library. By supporting the Alexander Benjamin Eiseman Library Fund you will enable the library to continue to expand its Jewish and secular offerings in a manner befitting a first class 21st century, modern learning environment. Please help us assure that the library remains the jewel that it has always been. 

Dr. Harlan Daman Fund
The Dr. Harlan Daman Fund was established 10 years ago in memory of Dr. Harlan Daman who graduated from WDS in 1955. Harlan’s two brothers as well as his children, Gila (’99) and Avi (’01) are all alumni of the school. Harlan was committed to a life of learning and of supporting his community. The Dr. Harlan Daman Fund was created to perpetuate these noble acts in his memory.

Find Us

856 Orienta Avenue
Mamaroneck, NY 10543

Who We Are

Westchester Day School is a Modern Orthodox, co-educational, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th grade Jewish school that inspires and educates our students in their own way to value menschlichkeit, mitzvot, and lifelong learning.
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